Varana (Speculative Evolution) Wiki

Genus Name: Plumaterrent (Feather Scare)

Common Names: Maned Snake, Feather Jump Snake, Tribal Snake

Species Count: 7

Size: 40-60 cm

Ancestor: Diadophis punctatus (Ring-necked Snake)

Diet: Reptiles and fish smaller than itself, can scavenge off of carrion if available

Habitat/Range: Grasslands, Swamps, and Bamboo Chaparrals of Ophia

Creator: @D̜͙̟͉ìn̨̹o̬̗C̼̮̣͡óaͅt͜ 

Description: The Plumaterrent is a genus on Varana that emerged from the Ring-Necked Snake. Although it retains a small amount of venom from its ancestors, its preferred form of execution is by constriction. The Plumaterrent is typically a blueish-green in color, with a red-orange underbelly and tail. Its defense against larger predators involves spreading enlarged neck scales (or "feathers") and hissing. The display scales are red in the center and make the snake seem larger than it really is, discouraging predators from hunting it.
